The end of season 2014.overview
Season 2014 is over, we closed our gates on September 9th. It was a good season, with good weather and atmosphere. We have had a lot of new guests which is important and fun. We also had a lot of guests returning from last year; a good sign! The guests were enthusiastic about our campsite and the lovely and beautiful surroundings of the Limousin. Also, the guests were very satisfied with the AP-Team and we think that’s completely earned. Our team did a lot of hard work, they were very sociable with you and each other and this resulted in a good atmosphere.
During the season we did a check on the swimming water. Some guests were worried that the water caused rash or that the skin became itchy.
Every year we check the water and the quality of the water is always good. This year, the water was very clean and the quality was very good. That’s why little, special insects and animals live in there, they love clean and pure water..!
The third cottage, La Porcherie (piggery), was faster rentable than we expected. The guests that stayed in this lovely, four person cottage, were very satisfied. They also helped us by telling us what they’ve missed during their stay so we can improve and finish the cottage for next year. In 2015, there will be a second bedroom, the outside wall will be restored and there will be a beautiful terrace.
Together with Loek and Marjo we have closed the campsite and prepared it for the winter. That means that we have cleaned a lot (for instance all the refrigerators), we washed everything (for instance all the teddybears from ‘Huttie’), we wrapped everything (everything that mice like) and we shut down the electricity and water flow. It was, like always, hard to leave because the sun was shining (it still does) and the tranquility was complete.